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How to Save for The Holidays

gift boxes wrapped for christmas

The holidays are around the corner and we know that means we’re gonna have to stock up on gifts for everyone and anyone. As a broke college student, I can’t afford to budget hundreds of dollars but I want to make sure that my loved ones feel special. Let’s take a look at some unique and frugal places to find gifts.

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8 Ways To Save Money On A 2022 Family Vacation

kauai marriot

In 2020, the Coronavirus pandemic turned our lives upside down. Local lockdowns, school, and business closures, and new health and safety sanctions took a toll on all of us. However, nowhere was this felt more than in the travel and tourism industry, with lots of countries closing their borders and governments implementing travel bans across the globe.

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Post-College Expenses to Prepare for Before Graduation

Post-College Expenses to Prepare for Before Graduation

As a college student it’s easy to skirt by. College students are broke, right? If everyone expects you to be broke, why worry about money? Unfortunately, this mindset can really hinder your ability to manage money after graduating.If you plan on waiting until after college to think about your financial well-being, reality is going to feel like a Razor Scooter to the ankles.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23