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Emergency Savings


Having an emergency savings fund not only helps effectively cover unforeseen expenses, prevent messing up your existing financial plans, but most importantly, it assures you the peace of mind that is important to be comfortable with your personal financial situation...

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How to Simplify Your Financial Life


Never in the history of the world have people been faced with so many options that compete for our time, attention and money. The options seem endless. In the U.S. there are over 631,000 financial brokers, 3,700 securities firms, 6,799 FDIC insured commercial banks and hundreds of personal finance apps that are changing daily...

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3 Resources to Improve Your Personal Finances

3 Resources to Improve Your Personal Finances

Students have a lot on their plates, and with so many immediate matters demanding attention – attending classes, studying, quizzes, exams, work, maintaining a social life – personal money management commonly falls to the bottom of the priority list. The irony?

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Cultural Diversity in Personal Financial Management

Cultural Diversity in Personal Financial Management

Living in the United States, we have become comfortable with our financial system of easy credit and saving in a financial institution. Interestingly, we often never stop to think where this mentality comes from and do people from different cultures handle money like we do...

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Keep Your Wallet From Wilting This Summer


College students are notoriously bad and dissuaded from being diligent with their finances; it’s not easy and it doesn’t make us happy. Yet here you are realizing you’re already-impaired attention span has once again been redirected to another one of those self-help/self-betterment posts peddled out by

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Last Updated: 12/12/23