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Navigating your Job Search in Challenging Times

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Well done to everyone for finishing out the semester and adapting to the changes that we all faced. We wish to especially recognize our recent graduates and their success! Your contributions and presence on campus will be missed. We desire the best for each of you going forward in your respective careers and hope you will carry with you the many positive experiences and friendships you’ve gained over the years. As we study, we are hopefully preparing and training for future work in a fulfilling career. We focus a lot on classes and the educational track we’re on, but sometimes the “track” towards finding the right job and landing that job is not as clearly defined and tricky to follow. In all honesty, it can be hard to navigate, and we might not even know where to start.

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Post-College Expenses to Prepare for Before Graduation

Post-College Expenses to Prepare for Before Graduation

As a college student it’s easy to skirt by. College students are broke, right? If everyone expects you to be broke, why worry about money? Unfortunately, this mindset can really hinder your ability to manage money after graduating.If you plan on waiting until after college to think about your financial well-being, reality is going to feel like a Razor Scooter to the ankles.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23