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Money-Saving Grocery Shopping Tips

Shopping cart with groceries and dollar signs

The first time I went grocery shopping by myself my first year of college, I felt overwhelmed. I come from a family of six which meant that the only experience I had with grocery shopping was helping my mom shop for six people. I had no idea how to shop just for myself. After trial and error, I have created a system for myself that allows me to stick to my budget and eat healthy at the same time. Grocery shopping in college doesn’t have to be scary. Here are a few tips on how to do grocery shopping right to save money:

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Healthy & Budget-Friendly Meals for Students

Healthy & Budget-Friendly Meals for Students

Being a college student is hard. You have to balance school work, your job, friends, family, and sleep. That makes it hard to also find food that’s healthy and cheap. But don't get discouraged, you can do it with just a little planning and some creative, healthy ideas. Continue reading for amazing and healthy recipe suggestions...

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Last Updated: 12/12/23