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Financial Wellness Blog - Financial Wellness Center - The University of Utah Skip to content

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Financial Wellness Center Blog

How to Recognize Scams

computer on a blue background with the word scam written on the front

As a new semester is starting up and tax season is coming up, it's important to learn how to recognize scams. There has been a lot of scams going around in the last few weeks and we want to help you avoid them. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when dealing with the IRS

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Money and Moving

Congratulations! You are moving into your new place! As exciting as it can be, things can be daunting. Packing up and moving can take anywhere from days to weeks to months depending on where you're going and how much you have to move. Hopefully, these tips can help you think through the process of moving and simplify your life.

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The Financial Wellness Center's discussion channel for insightful chat about our events, news, and activities.


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Last Updated: 11/5/24